11 Aug
- 2006 -


Andis Pikāns

300 kilometers made. We have a little trouble with our photo equipment and this is too bad because there is lots of absolutely great scenery around.

t would be worth memorializing it more seriously. At last we get the internet access and are able to send you some news. We have been interrogating people by the way, and it turned out there is no point going to Chelyabink since none of the interrogated has ever seen wooden pavements there, and this was the main object of our interest. We left Kaga in the afternoon and by twisty mountain serpentine drove the border direction. There are many Bashkir villages with tiny houses each painted its own color. Cows are resting in the middle of the road. Mountains are graduating into flatland; the Urals are descending into steppe. Around 8 PM we decide to stop for the night at the top of one of the hills. Climbing up on our bikes is rather hard: it’s full of huge stones around. Janis has even tripped on one of those with his bikebox and had to roll for a bit. Box is damaged, too. With few losses but we have conquered the top and got a wonderful sunset view as a prize.

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